Curriculum VitAI / Promo

I’ve put together a podcast where AI avatars take a deep dive into my work, career, and website.
It’s a fun mix of tech, creativity, and a little bit of editing magic. Here’s how it all came together:

AI-Generated Commentary - I started by giving NotebookLM some of my website’s key pages. From there, I let the AI do its thing, and it generated a full-on podcast script that commented on everything from my design approach to my past projects. Pretty wild, right? All I had to do was hit the "generate podcast" button, and bam—instant commentary.

Voice Editing - The original AI audio had both male and female voices talking together, so I went in Davinci Resolve and separated the two voices.

Creating the AI Avatars - Now for the fun part—I used HeyGen to turn those voices into talking AI human avatars. It was kind of amazing watching these virtual people come to life.

Adding the Visuals - To wrap it all up, I imported the avatars into DaVinci Resolve and added some visuals—graphics, footage of my work, and anything else that fit with what the avatars were talking about. This made the podcast way more interactive, as viewers can actually see the projects the AI avatars are analyzing while they talk.

The final result is this cool mix of AI-driven dialogue and real-life footage, where virtual commentators walk you through my creative journey.